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5 Questions to Ask at Your Orthodontic Consultation

5 Questions to Ask at Your Orthodontic Consultation

August 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — simplyorthosnh @ 3:59 pm
Woman smiling at orthodontist while sitting in treatment chair

Even if you’ve been researching the ins and outs of orthodontic treatment, you may have a hard time finding some answers. For example, how much will my braces cost? How long will it take to complete my treatment? Am I a candidate? The good news is that a portion of your initial appointment is dedicated to answering important questions like these. To be as prepared as possible, here are five questions you should ask at your orthodontic consultation.

1. Which Orthodontic Treatments Can I Choose From?

Thanks to advancements in technology and innovations in the field of orthodontics, there is a wide range of treatments available – from traditional braces to clear aligners. With that said, some treatments are more ideal for addressing specific issues, like extreme cases of overcrowding. So, don’t hesitate to ask your orthodontist all about the options you’re interested in and see what they recommend.

2. What Changes Do I Need to Make After I Start Treatment?

Even hassle-free orthodontic treatments, like Invisalign, require some changes to your day-to-day life. For example, you need to brush and floss your teeth after each meal to prevent food particles from being trapped in place by your aligners. From dietary restrictions to new oral hygiene habits, it can be helpful to have an in-depth understanding of your commitment upfront.

3. How Long Do You Think My Treatment Will Take?

This is one of the most popular questions prospective patients have, and it’s a good one! After learning more about your specific dental needs and creating your custom treatment plan, your orthodontist will be able to give you a general estimate of your timeline. Remember, staying on track depends largely on how well you follow their instructions, so do your best to follow the treatment guidelines to a tee.

4. Can I Get an Estimate of the Price?

Before your consultation, your orthodontist will only be able to give you a general price range. At your appointment, however, they can provide you with a specific number. Furthermore, they can review all of the financial solutions available that will make your treatment more affordable, including dental insurance, flexible financing, and any special offers they have.

5. What Are the Next Best Steps?

Whether you’re ready to start your orthodontic treatment right away or you need some time to think about it, don’t hesitate to ask your orthodontist what the next best steps are. That way, you have a clear idea of what comes next, who to reach out to if you have any questions, etc.

About the Practice

Simply Orthodontics is where you’ll find two exceptional orthodontists as well as a phenomenal support team. Together, we do our best to make each patient’s experience positive, stress-free, and seamless. Part of that is answering any questions you have during the treatment process! If you would like to schedule your consultation or you have a question for our team, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (603) 889-1100.